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Tangshan City Jinzheng steel plate Co., Ltd.
Professional steel processing trade and warehousing and logistics company
Address: Chaoyang Street Nintaus steel plate Co., Ltd., Fengnan Town, Tangshan City, Hebei
Fax: 0315-8168777
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张家口Manganese plate

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张家口Manganese plate

  • Taxonomy:张家口Manganese plate

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  • Date of release:2018/08/11
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Detailed introduction

Manganese plates are usually low alloy high strength structural steels, 16Mn (Q345) or 16Mn (Q345), which can be welded in various ways for their weldability.
Medium plate usually has a finger plate thickness of 4mm-60mm steel plate.
16Mn renamed Q345, Q345 has A, B, C, D, E five kinds. 16Mn (I, II, III) refer to forgings 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
16MnR is the main material of general pressure vessel. R means the steel for vessel, that is, the steel plate for pressure vessel. The D in 16MnD is low temperature steel. Welding characteristics of 16MnR materials, generally do not need to preheat or slow cooling, but the thickness of more than 30 need to preheat about 100-150 degrees, generally with J507 can be welded, if the toughness is better, it can also be recommended to use J507RH.
J507 is a welding electrode, J507RH and J507, from the mechanical properties of the same, but the composition of the coating is different, J507RH belongs to ultra-low hydrogen electrode, low alloy, high toughness.


Manganese sheet has high endurance strength and creep strength at high temperature, good impact toughness at low temperature, high working temperature up to 500, low temperature up to - 110, high static strength, impact toughness and high fatigue strength, good hardenability of manganese sheet, no overheating tendency, small quenching deformation, cold deformation awakening can be cut. The workability is moderate, but it has the first kind of tempering brittleness. The weldability of manganese sheet is not good. It needs to be preheated to 150 ~400 ~C before welding and heat treatment after welding to eliminate stress. Usually used after quenching and tempering, but also in high and medium frequency surface quenching or quenching and low and medium temperature tempering after use.

The address of this article:http://en.tsjzgb.cn/product/551.html

Key word:锰板销售厂家,锰板厂家,锰板

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