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Tangshan City Jinzheng steel plate Co., Ltd.
Professional steel processing trade and warehousing and logistics company
Address: Chaoyang Street Nintaus steel plate Co., Ltd., Fengnan Town, Tangshan City, Hebei
Fax: 0315-8168777
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唐山Chequered steel plates

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唐山Chequered steel plates

  • Taxonomy:唐山Chequered steel plates

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  • Date of release:2018/08/14
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Detailed introduction

The pattern plate is a steel plate with a pattern on its surface called the pattern plate. The pattern is lentil-shaped, rhombic, round bean-shaped, flat and round mixed shape.
The pattern plate is in English Name: diamond plate. Its pattern is lentil, rhombus, round beans, flat and round mixed shape, lentil is the most common on the market. Origins are: Laigang, Rizhao, Benxi Steel, Shougang, Ninggang, Mei Steel, Angang, Taigang, Beitai and so on.
The pattern plate has many advantages, such as beautiful appearance, skid resistance, strengthening performance and saving steel products. It is widely used in transportation, construction, decoration, equipment around the floor, machinery, shipbuilding and other fields.
Generally speaking, the use of the mechanical properties of the pattern board, mechanical performance requirements are not high, so the quality of the pattern board mainly for pattern rate, pattern height, pattern height difference. At present, the thickness commonly used on the market is different from 2.0-8mm, and the width is 1250 and 1500mm two.
According to the national standard GB / T 3277, the height of pattern should be greater than or equal to the thickness of 20% substrate.
Patterned plate, according to the material (aluminum alloy, stainless steel, ordinary steel, etc.) is different, the shape of the pattern is different, the weight per square meter is also different.


The address of this article:http://en.tsjzgb.cn/product/544.html

Key word:花纹板,花纹板销售厂家,花纹板厂家

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