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Tangshan City Jinzheng steel plate Co., Ltd.
Professional steel processing trade and warehousing and logistics company
Address: Chaoyang Street Nintaus steel plate Co., Ltd., Fengnan Town, Tangshan City, Hebei
Fax: 0315-8168777
The company sells one: 15032911906
The company sells two units: 13931570212
The company sells three units: 15931566126
The company sells four units: 13931556172
Company's foreign trade department: 15532535870
Precision machining department: 13633309416
Shenyang Sales Department: 13785092571
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辽宁Hot rolled steel coils

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辽宁Hot rolled steel coils

  • Taxonomy:辽宁Hot rolled steel coils

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  • Date of release:2018/08/14
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Detailed introduction

Hot rolled steel coils is a kind of sheet material in steel. It is actually a thin steel plate which is long and narrow.
The difference between the volume and the flat is a cut package.


Cold rolled coil is obtained by pickling and cold rolling of hot rolled coil. It can be said that it is a kind of cold rolled coil.
Cold-rolled coil (annealed): Hot-rolled coil after pickling, cold rolling, bell annealing, leveling, (finishing) obtained.
There are three main differences between them.
1, appearance, the general chill plate is a little black.
2. Surface quality, structure, dimension accuracy and so on are better than cold plate.
3. In terms of performance, the cold-rolled coil sheet directly obtained by cold rolling process hardens during cold rolling, resulting in increased yield strength and residual internal stress, the external performance is more "hard" so called cold-rolled coil sheet.
Cold-rolled coil (annealed state): the cold-rolled coil is obtained by Bell annealing before coiling. After annealing, the work hardening phenomenon and internal stress are eliminated (greatly reduced), that is, the yield strength is reduced close to the cold-rolled.
Therefore, yield strength: cold-rolled coil is greater than cold-rolled coil (annealed state), making cold-rolled coil (annealed state) more conducive to stamping. The default delivery state of ordinary cold-rolled coil is annealing state. Most of the steel is now sold in rolls. Enterprises in the purchase of coil after the uncoiling process to process, generally used in the automotive industry more. Of course, there are many auto industry outsourcing the open book process.

The address of this article:http://en.tsjzgb.cn/product/550.html

Key word:热卷销售厂家,热卷,热卷厂家

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