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Tangshan City Jinzheng steel plate Co., Ltd.
Professional steel processing trade and warehousing and logistics company
Address: Chaoyang Street Nintaus steel plate Co., Ltd., Fengnan Town, Tangshan City, Hebei
Fax: 0315-8168777
The company sells one: 15032911906
The company sells two units: 13931570212
The company sells three units: 15931566126
The company sells four units: 13931556172
Company's foreign trade department: 15532535870
Precision machining department: 13633309416
Shenyang Sales Department: 13785092571
Website: www.tsjzgb.cn

吉林Steel plate processing price

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吉林Steel plate processing price

  • Taxonomy:吉林Sale of steel plate

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  • Date of release:2018/08/11
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Detailed introduction

Analysis of import and export of steel plates and analysis of import and export of rebar and wire rod in China
China's steel import and export in 2005 is the demarcation line between China's steel plate import and export. In 2005 and once, China's steel products have been net import for a long time. Since 2006, with the rapid increase of steel output value and the improvement of product quality, China's steel products have been turned into net export. In 2006, China's steel imports totaled 18.51 million tons and exports totaled 43.01 million tons. Net exports amounted to 24 million 500 thousand tons. China's exports reached a peak in 2007, when steel exports reached 62.69 million tons, accounting for 11.1% of the domestic steel output value. Since then, China's steel exports and share of domestic output value have declined, accounting for 5.3% - 5.8% of domestic steel output value in 2010-2013.
China's export of thread steel reached a high point in 2007, with an annual export volume of 5.908 million tons, accounting for 5.8% of the domestic output value of thread steel. Affected by China's imposition of tentative export tariffs after 2008, the competitiveness of the export of thread steel has been weakened and the export has been significantly reduced. The annual export volume after 2009 is basically between 200,000 tons and 300,000 tons, accounting for only 0.1% - 0.0% of the domestic output value. .2% exported 272 thousand tons in 2013, accounting for only 0.1% of the domestic output value. But after 2011, the export volume of boron bearing steel bars in China increased significantly.
China's wire rod exports reached a high point in 2006-2008, during which the export volume of 2006, 2007 and 2008 accounted for 7.8%, 7.8% and 6.3% of the annual output value respectively. Affected by the general tariffs imposed on wire rods after 2008, the export volume of wire rods decreased, accounting for only 1.1% of the annual output value in 2009, and then the export volume rebounded. In 2013, the export volume was 8.05 million tons, accounting for 5.3% of the domestic output value.
Tangshan Jinzheng Steel Plate Co., Ltd. is a professional production and sales of steel plate processing and integration of the company, Jinzheng Steel Plate Co., Ltd. steel plate processing price is reasonable, welcome to consult!


The address of this article:http://en.tsjzgb.cn/product/569.html

Key word:钢板加工价格合理,唐山钢板加工价格,钢板加工价格

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