
Product classification


Tangshan City Jinzheng steel plate Co., Ltd.
Professional steel processing trade and warehousing and logistics company
Address: Chaoyang Street Nintaus steel plate Co., Ltd., Fengnan Town, Tangshan City, Hebei
Fax: 0315-8168777
The company sells one: 15032911906
The company sells two units: 13931570212
The company sells three units: 15931566126
The company sells four units: 13931556172
Company's foreign trade department: 15532535870
Precision machining department: 13633309416
Shenyang Sales Department: 13785092571
Website: www.tsjzgb.cn

黑龙江Color steel plate processing plant

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黑龙江Color steel plate processing plant

  • Taxonomy:黑龙江Sale of steel plate

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  • Date of release:2018/08/11
  • Online inquiry
Detailed introduction

What equipment does it need to open a color steel plate processing plant?
If this colored steel processing plant is to process a single tile, it will enter a 840 or 900 type of tile press, which is usually the type of market, and then into the color steel coil, if necessary, may also need some accessories, if it is to press the composite plate, it has to order the composite plate machine, composite plate machine is usually very expensive About 15-25 or so, it's best to ask more questions and ask.


There is a roller (that is, colored steel plate processing) in the back into the front rolled out, need how long the size, set can automatically cut, steel plate processing with colored steel coils need to go to the manufacturer to purchase, may be a bit expensive, our factory processing equipment is the brand of Baosteel. A one-meter width of about 800 meters long roll to about 2W to 3W, if matched with color steel room bending parts, it will need more equipment, bending machine, shearing machine, must be used.
So if you want to open a steel plate processing plant, you need a lot of equipment, the amount of investment is also a small number, hope to consider before investing!

The address of this article:http://en.tsjzgb.cn/product/576.html

Key word:彩钢板加工厂家,唐山彩钢板加工厂,彩钢板加工厂销售

The last one:黑龙江Sale of steel plate
The next one:None

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